• Outputs

    Between September 2019 and February 2022, we implemented an international research, training and awareness raising project entitled Open Doors: Promoting Inclusive and Competent Health Care for LGBTI People. The project was carried out by a partnership of universities and LGBTI organizations from five European countries (Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Spain). The project is supported by a large number of academic and professional organizations.

    Press releases

    Press releases call the attention of the general public to the major achievements of the project. We will issue a press release when the research reports are available, when the elearning courses are published, and when the awareness raising campaign is launched.

    National reports

    The national reports examine the situation of LGBTI people in healthcare settings in their respective countries. They provide an overview of the domestic health system, the legal and policy environment, existing research, strategies and health programs, services available to LGBTI patients, the attitudes of health professionals, and opportunities of capacity building.

    Comparative report

    The comparative report presents the main results of the research carried out in the project. The first section provides a brief overview of the legislation, policies, guidelines and strategies on LGBTI health, as well as services targeting LGBTI people in the five countries participating in the project. The second section is devoted to interviews with health professionals and experts, while the third section summarizes the results of the online survey.

    • Comparative report EN

    Guide for health care professionals

    This short guide summarizes the most important information on LGBTI health for health professionals. It includes an introduction to LGBTI terminology, a summary of the health needs of LGBTI people, and practical recommendations to avoid discrimination and create inclusive clinical spaces.


    Handbook for health care professionals

    This comprehensive handbook provides a detailed overview about the health inequalities and health needs of LGBTI people. introduction to LGBTI terminology, a summary of the health needs of LGBTI people, and practical recommendations to avoid discrimination and create inclusive clinical spaces.



    The Health4LGBTI training methodology has been translated and adapted to the five project countries, and 27 training sessions were held for medical university students and health professionals. A 4 hours long elearning course was also developed in English and the five national languages of the project that is available free of charge for anyone to enroll even after the project is completed. 

    • Register here for the elearning platform


    Awareness raising videos

    Two awareness raising videos - one targetting health professionals, the other targetting LGBTI people - have been produced to call attention to the discrimination faced by LGBTI people in the healthcare field. The first video encourages health professionals to enroll in the elearning program and increase their knowledge and skills regarding LGBTI eople, and second encourages LGBTI people to seek competent and sensitive health services and report if they face discrimination in the healthcare field. 

    • Awareness raising video for health professionals EN | BG | CA HU | IT | PL
    • Awareness raising video for LGBTI people EN | BG | CA HU | IT | PL


    An international conference was held on September 27, 2021 at the Faculty of Nursing and Medicine of the University of Girona and online. The conference was opened by Xavier Florensa i Cantons, the General Director of LGBTI+ Policies of the Catalan Government. This was followed by a number of panel discussions on various aspects of LGBTI health, including a presentation of the research findings of the project. In the afternoon parallel workshops on intersex issues, mental health of LGBTI people under the Covid-19 pandemic, and the challenges of the Catalonian health system offered participants to get more in depth understanding of the selected issues.